Saturday 25th January 2025 Woodhead Railway Museum
Commence 11:00
CHAIRMAN Andy Kettle
Seconded: CLLR Joyce Bowerman
TREASURER Simon Thomas
Seconded: CLLR Joyce Bowerman
Seconded: Dave Meadham
GENERAL MANAGER Peter James Birchill
Appointed by Committee
Secretary position will continue to be covered by Andy Kettle & Simon Thomas for 2025.
Publicity Officer & Events Coordinator positions will be advertised through the Social Media Network.
Bank account balance at 01/10/2023 = £4,109.58
Cash in hand 01/10/2023 = £310.02
Total Group balance 01/10/2023 = £4,419.60
Total Outgoing money to 30/09/2024 = £2,411.78
Total Income to 30/09/2024 = £1,056.49
Total in bank Account to 30/09/2024 = £,594.75
Total in PayPal Account to 30/09/2024 = £159.54
Cash in hand to 30/09/2024 = £310.02
Total Group balance to 30/09/2024 = £3,064.31
Total current Members: 58, this is broken down to:
41 x Ordinary Members
13 x Life members
4 x Honorary members
It was discussed at options to increase membership, this can be done through an independent process that auto generates membership renewals as used widely by other groups but does come at a cost, also to look at the option on the website for those who would like to set up an annual renewal direct debit scheme. It was reported that there is only a 10% return on membership renewals, we suspect this may have something to do with current lack of interest while waiting for the museum to open.
Membership Fees will remain the same for 2025.
Museum Building:
We are still waiting on the Lease agreement; we have been notified that there is some complexity around the Heads of Terms due to any external work that may be required which could result in a line isolation & possession due to the Museum building being in proximity of the Overhead Line Equipment [OHLE]. Our contact at Network Rail is currently looking at a temporary process to enable us to get the Museum open to the public while we wait for the full Lease agreement.
Memorial Garden:
The memorial garden is now maturing nicely and will be in full bloom come the summer, the Coal Wagon has now had lettering added to dedicate the local Coal Industry. We do have many visitors visiting the garden while waiting for the rail service to arrive.
Signalling Garden:
Over the last 12 months the volunteers have worked hard in the Signalling Garden by clearing down weeds and now developing garden areas.
A pond has also been added to the Garden area to attract wildlife.
The Dewsnap Signal Gantry is now complete and stood erect complete with semaphore signals along with a single Signal post also complete with semaphore signal.
The next main project for the Signalling Garden is to have a Ride on Railway added as an attraction for visitors, this would be overseen by professionals who have experience operating Public Ride on Railways. The RoR will be funded through a GoFundMe and Grant applications.
2025 EVENTS:
It was discussed that our 2025 Event Programme is as follows:
This year we will be holding 4 events this year, the first being the Easter Egg Hunt which was successful last year, we are holding it a week early this year as not to clash with other Easter events.
The 2nd event is celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Friends of Guide Bridge Station, this event will consist of stalls and visiting display vehicles along with light refreshments.
THE 3RD Event is the successful Teddy Bears Picnic Event hosted by Northern Trains Ltd, we are waiting confirmation this event will take place this year.
The 4th Event of the year will be celebrating Heritage Weekend, we have yet to discuss what will take place at the station to celebrate heritage Weekend.
No other Business was raised.
Meeting closed 12:30
Saturday 25th January 2025 Woodhead Railway Museum
Commence 11:00
- Meeting Rules
- Committee Election
- Current Finances
- Current Membership
- Projects update
- 2025 Events
- A.O.B
CHAIRMAN Andy Kettle
Seconded: CLLR Joyce Bowerman
TREASURER Simon Thomas
Seconded: CLLR Joyce Bowerman
Seconded: Dave Meadham
GENERAL MANAGER Peter James Birchill
Appointed by Committee
Secretary position will continue to be covered by Andy Kettle & Simon Thomas for 2025.
Publicity Officer & Events Coordinator positions will be advertised through the Social Media Network.
Bank account balance at 01/10/2023 = £4,109.58
Cash in hand 01/10/2023 = £310.02
Total Group balance 01/10/2023 = £4,419.60
Total Outgoing money to 30/09/2024 = £2,411.78
Total Income to 30/09/2024 = £1,056.49
Total in bank Account to 30/09/2024 = £,594.75
Total in PayPal Account to 30/09/2024 = £159.54
Cash in hand to 30/09/2024 = £310.02
Total Group balance to 30/09/2024 = £3,064.31
Total current Members: 58, this is broken down to:
41 x Ordinary Members
13 x Life members
4 x Honorary members
It was discussed at options to increase membership, this can be done through an independent process that auto generates membership renewals as used widely by other groups but does come at a cost, also to look at the option on the website for those who would like to set up an annual renewal direct debit scheme. It was reported that there is only a 10% return on membership renewals, we suspect this may have something to do with current lack of interest while waiting for the museum to open.
Membership Fees will remain the same for 2025.
Museum Building:
We are still waiting on the Lease agreement; we have been notified that there is some complexity around the Heads of Terms due to any external work that may be required which could result in a line isolation & possession due to the Museum building being in proximity of the Overhead Line Equipment [OHLE]. Our contact at Network Rail is currently looking at a temporary process to enable us to get the Museum open to the public while we wait for the full Lease agreement.
Memorial Garden:
The memorial garden is now maturing nicely and will be in full bloom come the summer, the Coal Wagon has now had lettering added to dedicate the local Coal Industry. We do have many visitors visiting the garden while waiting for the rail service to arrive.
Signalling Garden:
Over the last 12 months the volunteers have worked hard in the Signalling Garden by clearing down weeds and now developing garden areas.
A pond has also been added to the Garden area to attract wildlife.
The Dewsnap Signal Gantry is now complete and stood erect complete with semaphore signals along with a single Signal post also complete with semaphore signal.
The next main project for the Signalling Garden is to have a Ride on Railway added as an attraction for visitors, this would be overseen by professionals who have experience operating Public Ride on Railways. The RoR will be funded through a GoFundMe and Grant applications.
2025 EVENTS:
It was discussed that our 2025 Event Programme is as follows:
This year we will be holding 4 events this year, the first being the Easter Egg Hunt which was successful last year, we are holding it a week early this year as not to clash with other Easter events.
The 2nd event is celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Friends of Guide Bridge Station, this event will consist of stalls and visiting display vehicles along with light refreshments.
THE 3RD Event is the successful Teddy Bears Picnic Event hosted by Northern Trains Ltd, we are waiting confirmation this event will take place this year.
The 4th Event of the year will be celebrating Heritage Weekend, we have yet to discuss what will take place at the station to celebrate heritage Weekend.
- Easter Egg Hunt: Saturday 12th April
- FoGBS 10th Anniversary Event: May [date tbc]
- Teddy Bears Picnic: June [date tbc]
- Heritage Weekend Event: September [date tbc]
No other Business was raised.
Meeting closed 12:30
Dewsnap Signal Gantry
The Dewsnap Signal Gantry is near completion with a huge thanks to the hard work fro the volunteers.
The Dewsnap Signal Gantry is near completion with a huge thanks to the hard work fro the volunteers.
Lettering on the Coal Wagon
Lettering is now being applied to the Coal Wagon, this will have Denton Colliery on one side and Ashton Moss Colliery on the other side, this is to represent the two local Collieries.
Lettering is now being applied to the Coal Wagon, this will have Denton Colliery on one side and Ashton Moss Colliery on the other side, this is to represent the two local Collieries.
Teddy Bears picnic Event Saturday 29th June
We held our third Teddy Bears Picnic event where families where able to travel between Guide Bridge, Glossop & Hadfield stations with events at each station. This was the most successful teddy Bears picnic to date with over 80 families taking part, we would like to thank all the volunteers who took part to make the day successful, and to Neil Williams from Friends of Glossop station in organizing the event, and a special thank you to both Northern trains Ltd and to Becky Styles for ensuring all services where able to operate.
We held our third Teddy Bears Picnic event where families where able to travel between Guide Bridge, Glossop & Hadfield stations with events at each station. This was the most successful teddy Bears picnic to date with over 80 families taking part, we would like to thank all the volunteers who took part to make the day successful, and to Neil Williams from Friends of Glossop station in organizing the event, and a special thank you to both Northern trains Ltd and to Becky Styles for ensuring all services where able to operate.
Signal Gantry Renovation
Our Signal Gantry renovation work is coming along nicely with thanks to our volunteers, thanks go to Ron Whitehead for supplying the wood for the flooring.
Our Signal Gantry renovation work is coming along nicely with thanks to our volunteers, thanks go to Ron Whitehead for supplying the wood for the flooring.
Easter Egg Hunt
We held our first Easter Egg Hunt Event at Guide bridge Station today Sat 23rd March, despite the appalling weather conditions, we still had families attending the event, each child that took part took away a free Easter Egg and one lucky winner won the large Easter Egg.
We held our first Easter Egg Hunt Event at Guide bridge Station today Sat 23rd March, despite the appalling weather conditions, we still had families attending the event, each child that took part took away a free Easter Egg and one lucky winner won the large Easter Egg.
Dewsnap Signal Gantry
We are delighted to say that the Dewsnap Signal Gantry has finally arrived at Guide Bridge Station, this is a huge project for the volunteers and looking for other new volunteers to com along and be involved with the restoration of the Gantry. The Gantry used to be located at the Dewsnap Sidings approximately 3/4 mile East of Guide Bridge Station.
The restoration work will be to straighten out bent bars, replace the semaphores, treat & paint the structure, eventually erect and have operating Semaphores from ground level, so there is a lot of work to do so please do come along and get involved.
Committee Elect for 2024/25:
Chairman – Andy Kettle Seconded by CLLR Joyce Bowerman
Secretary – Vacant
Treasurer – Simon Thomas – Seconded by Dean Lever
Membership Secretary – Dean lever – Seconded by CLLR Joyce Bowerman
Museum Manager – Peter Birchill – Seconded by Andy Kettle
Museum Curator – Anthony Leslie Dawson – Seconded by Simon Thomas
Ordinary Member – James Terence – Seconded by Andy Kettle
Simon Thomas presented the current Financial Position for the WRHG to date:
Bank Account Balance at 01/10/22 = £5741.16
Cash in Hand at 01/10/22 = £102.31
Total Group Balance 01/10/22 = £5843.47
Total Outgoing to 30/09/22 = £5512.56
Total in account to 30/09/23 = 4109.58
Cash in Hand at 30/09/23 = £310.02
Total Group Balance 30/09/23 = 4419.60
Total Loss = £1423.87
Museum Update:
- An update was given on the Lease, due to the ongoing reorganisation within Network Rail we have had difficulty in obtaining the current position of the lease, on Friday 26th Jan 24 we received an email from a member of the Network Rail Team and will feed back the current position of the Lease soon.
- Work is underway in getting displays up with thanks to the volunteers, this is preliminary wall mounted items and installing donated cabinets.
- We will be seeking the movement of the 506 cab to the Museum over the next few months, this will enable to have the cab ready for when the Museum opens.
- A date of Sat 16th June 2024 for the opening of the Museum to coincide the 70th Anniversary of the first electric passenger service from London Rd to Glossop, this is dependent on the Lease.
- It was discussed that initially the Museum would be open on Wednesdays’ and Saturdays, additional operating days will be dependent on volunteers.
Station Projects:
- It was announced that the Memorial Garden has been shortlisted in the National Community Rail Partnership Awards which will be announced April 2024.
- Simon Thomas has confirmed that over the summer period and weather pending, the writing on the Coal Wagon will be done.
- The Dewsnap Signal Gantry is scheduled to be moved to the Signalling Garden over the next few weeks, this is being arranged between Simon Thomas & Shovlin Ltd.
- An update given on the Heritage Line utilising the former OAGB, the Business proposal has now been received at the Network Planning meeting Nov 23 and now cascaded to the next level.
- Simon Thomas asked CLLR Joyce Bowerman regding other unused areas of land within the local are that could be potentially utilised by the WRHG.
- Dean lever raised the issue of electronic membership, other avenues of memberships schemes will be looked in to, to and be cost saving to the WRHG.
- The redundant building near to the Network Rail operational Yard at Guide Bridge Station to be sought as an additional Museum building.
- The Station has undergone new signage as part of Great British Railways transformation, Andy Kettle to arrange for three of the station sign names on the platforms to be changed to the traditional Totem style in keeping with the Museum.
New Station signs
Under the new Great British Railways program with the Government taking back control of the railway network, one of the changes has been the revamp of all the station signs which are black writing on white back ground.
Under the new Great British Railways program with the Government taking back control of the railway network, one of the changes has been the revamp of all the station signs which are black writing on white back ground.
More donations for the Signalling Garden
We are pleased to accept a bench and outdoor lamp for the Signalling Garden which was kindly donated by Lindsay Edwards, the renovation work on the lamp is coming along great with thanks to our volunteers.
We are pleased to accept a bench and outdoor lamp for the Signalling Garden which was kindly donated by Lindsay Edwards, the renovation work on the lamp is coming along great with thanks to our volunteers.
Original Guide Bridge Station Clock revamped
We are delighted to say that the original Guide Bridge Station clock has been kindly renovated with thanks to our volunteers.
We are delighted to say that the original Guide Bridge Station clock has been kindly renovated with thanks to our volunteers.
Signalling Garden taking shape
With thanks to our hard working volunteers, the Signalling garden is now taking shape with clearing back shrubs, adding walkways, clearing the original platform and adding flower beds.
With thanks to our hard working volunteers, the Signalling garden is now taking shape with clearing back shrubs, adding walkways, clearing the original platform and adding flower beds.
welcome to your Station Event held Saturday 9th September
Today we held a 'Welcome to your Station' event encouraging the local community to come down to the station and see the work that is taking place, the event was attended by a number of vintage cars, we also had two double decker vintage buses, also a number of sales stalls. We also had a Mayoral visit to the station which was welcomed, and finally we had Tameside Radio doing an outside broadcast Breakfast Show from the station.
Today we held a 'Welcome to your Station' event encouraging the local community to come down to the station and see the work that is taking place, the event was attended by a number of vintage cars, we also had two double decker vintage buses, also a number of sales stalls. We also had a Mayoral visit to the station which was welcomed, and finally we had Tameside Radio doing an outside broadcast Breakfast Show from the station.
Teddy Bears Picnic
Sat 17th saw the Teddy Bears Picnic again, the first time since the COVID19 Pandemic, it was a welcomed site to see so may families taking part this year, also to see the new Northern Trains Ltd Mascot 'Whistle' the dog, there were events at Glossop, Hadfield, Hattersley & Guide Bridge Stations.
Sat 17th saw the Teddy Bears Picnic again, the first time since the COVID19 Pandemic, it was a welcomed site to see so may families taking part this year, also to see the new Northern Trains Ltd Mascot 'Whistle' the dog, there were events at Glossop, Hadfield, Hattersley & Guide Bridge Stations.
Station Building Art
A number of Art Murals have been erected on the station front at Guide bridge Station, photos have been supplied by Peter James Birchill, and thanks go to Northern Trains ltd for funding this project.
A number of Art Murals have been erected on the station front at Guide bridge Station, photos have been supplied by Peter James Birchill, and thanks go to Northern Trains ltd for funding this project.
Coal Wagon Project
The Coal Wagon project is now near completion and waiting for the final sign writing to be completed, the Coal Wagon was purchased by Andy Kettle [WRHG Chairman] & Peter J Birchill [Museum Manager], and thanks to the volunteers who have helped renovate the the wagon, and thank you to the Network Rail team for creating the plinth, and final to Northern Trains Ltd for allowing the wagon to be located to Guide Bridge Station.
The Coal Wagon project is now near completion and waiting for the final sign writing to be completed, the Coal Wagon was purchased by Andy Kettle [WRHG Chairman] & Peter J Birchill [Museum Manager], and thanks to the volunteers who have helped renovate the the wagon, and thank you to the Network Rail team for creating the plinth, and final to Northern Trains Ltd for allowing the wagon to be located to Guide Bridge Station.
Coal Wagon Delivery
On Thursday 17th November we took delivery of the Coal Wagon from Telford Steam Railway, the Coal Wagon is now on display in the Memorial Garden. The Wagon will be renovated and will eventually have the liveries of Denton Colliery on one side and Ashton Moss Colliery on the other side.
On Thursday 17th November we took delivery of the Coal Wagon from Telford Steam Railway, the Coal Wagon is now on display in the Memorial Garden. The Wagon will be renovated and will eventually have the liveries of Denton Colliery on one side and Ashton Moss Colliery on the other side.
Mile Post donation
We have been kindly donated a Cheshire Lines Mile Post, this post has been located in the memorial Garden and erected by our volunteers Colin [in the picture] & Peter.
We have been kindly donated a Cheshire Lines Mile Post, this post has been located in the memorial Garden and erected by our volunteers Colin [in the picture] & Peter.
Coal Wagon Project
Two of our volunteers have purchased a Coal Wagon from Telford Steam Railway, this Wagon will be relocated to Guide Bridge Station and placed into the Memorial Garden as a static display. The Wagon will be cosmetically renovated and painted on both sides with the liveries of Denton Colliery & Ashton Moss Colliery which were part of the local Coal Industry.
Two of our volunteers have purchased a Coal Wagon from Telford Steam Railway, this Wagon will be relocated to Guide Bridge Station and placed into the Memorial Garden as a static display. The Wagon will be cosmetically renovated and painted on both sides with the liveries of Denton Colliery & Ashton Moss Colliery which were part of the local Coal Industry.
MP visit to Guide bridge Station
Friday 10th June 2022 we had a VIP visit to Guide Bridge Station with the presence of The Rt Hon Angela Rayner MP along with local Councillor Joyce Bowerman, Station Manager Theo McLauglan and his Manager along with Volunteers, the visit was to look at the current projects taking place at Guide Bridge Station.
Friday 10th June 2022 we had a VIP visit to Guide Bridge Station with the presence of The Rt Hon Angela Rayner MP along with local Councillor Joyce Bowerman, Station Manager Theo McLauglan and his Manager along with Volunteers, the visit was to look at the current projects taking place at Guide Bridge Station.
Ground Clearance
Our volunteers have been working hard clearing the the area where we propose to have a Museum Hall building, the work has uncovered some of the original platform.
Our volunteers have been working hard clearing the the area where we propose to have a Museum Hall building, the work has uncovered some of the original platform.
Memorial Plaque Laid 17th July
A Memorial Plaques was laid in the Memorial Garden in Memory of Ernie Fouldes who was an employee and served his time at Guide Bridge Station, the small ceremony was attended by some of Ernie's family and some of the volunteers.
If you would like a Plaque to be laid in memory of someone then please do get in touch via our contact page,
A Memorial Plaques was laid in the Memorial Garden in Memory of Ernie Fouldes who was an employee and served his time at Guide Bridge Station, the small ceremony was attended by some of Ernie's family and some of the volunteers.
If you would like a Plaque to be laid in memory of someone then please do get in touch via our contact page,
Dewsnap Signal Gantry
The Signal Gantry that still stands on the site of the old Dewsnap Sidings is soon to be taken down, Network Rail have offered closed bids for the structure, the WRHG have submitted their bid and currently awaiting outcome, if successful this structure will be taken to a yard in Stoke On Trent where it will undergo restoration.
The Signal Gantry that still stands on the site of the old Dewsnap Sidings is soon to be taken down, Network Rail have offered closed bids for the structure, the WRHG have submitted their bid and currently awaiting outcome, if successful this structure will be taken to a yard in Stoke On Trent where it will undergo restoration.
Exterior Painting
One of our volunteers has been busy recently giving the front of the station building a coat of paint on the window sills and lower wall, also Contractors have repaired and painted the window area. We are looking at having picture telling the history of the station in the window sections.
One of our volunteers has been busy recently giving the front of the station building a coat of paint on the window sills and lower wall, also Contractors have repaired and painted the window area. We are looking at having picture telling the history of the station in the window sections.
Memorial Garden Planters
Some time ago e received some disused truck Tyre's courtesy of Royal Mail Fleet Services Ltd, these are now being installed into the Memorial Garden and will be planted next few days.
Some time ago e received some disused truck Tyre's courtesy of Royal Mail Fleet Services Ltd, these are now being installed into the Memorial Garden and will be planted next few days.
Volunteering day
We had a good turn out of volunteers today, work was carried out clearing the overgrown foliage in the compound to the rear of the Booking hall on platform 1.
We had a good turn out of volunteers today, work was carried out clearing the overgrown foliage in the compound to the rear of the Booking hall on platform 1.
Grant application for Flower Bed Sleepers
I am pleased to announce that we have today received a Grant application for £200 from South East Manchester Community Rail Partnership which will fund the Sleepers to use as borders for the flower beds in the Memorial Garden.
I am pleased to announce that we have today received a Grant application for £200 from South East Manchester Community Rail Partnership which will fund the Sleepers to use as borders for the flower beds in the Memorial Garden.
Railway Sleepers
Today we took delivery of the Garden Railway sleepers to be used for the flower beds in the Memorial Garden, the sleepers were purchased from the Railway Sleeper Company and was kindly funded by South East Manchester Community Rail Partnerships. A huge thank you to the volunteers who attended to install the sleepers.
Today we took delivery of the Garden Railway sleepers to be used for the flower beds in the Memorial Garden, the sleepers were purchased from the Railway Sleeper Company and was kindly funded by South East Manchester Community Rail Partnerships. A huge thank you to the volunteers who attended to install the sleepers.
Herb Garden
We are delighted to announce that Northern Railway have funded a garden trough to be used as a Herb Garden, this has been located in front of the new booking hall.
We are delighted to announce that Northern Railway have funded a garden trough to be used as a Herb Garden, this has been located in front of the new booking hall.
Grant application from Northern Railway
I am pleased to announce that we have today received a Grant application for £500 from Northern Railway which will fund a large planter to be located in front of the new booking hall, this will make an improvement and welcoming feature for the passengers who use the station.
I am pleased to announce that we have today received a Grant application for £500 from Northern Railway which will fund a large planter to be located in front of the new booking hall, this will make an improvement and welcoming feature for the passengers who use the station.
Donation from Tameside Councillor Joyce Bowerman
I am pleased to announce that the Friends of Guide Bridge Station have received a kind donation of £50 from Tameside Councillor Joyce Bowerman, the money will be used to go towards the platform flower troughs, a huge thank you to Cllr Bowerman for her support with our project.
I am pleased to announce that the Friends of Guide Bridge Station have received a kind donation of £50 from Tameside Councillor Joyce Bowerman, the money will be used to go towards the platform flower troughs, a huge thank you to Cllr Bowerman for her support with our project.
05/10/16 Small Projects award runner up
The FoGBS won 2nd prize in the small projects award at the ACoRP National Awards ceremony on Thursday 29th Sept, the award was given for the Memorial Garden to which the volunteers have worked hard over the last 12 months to transform the area that was handed over to us from Northern Railway, so well done to all those who helped the project to enable to achieve the award.
The FoGBS won 2nd prize in the small projects award at the ACoRP National Awards ceremony on Thursday 29th Sept, the award was given for the Memorial Garden to which the volunteers have worked hard over the last 12 months to transform the area that was handed over to us from Northern Railway, so well done to all those who helped the project to enable to achieve the award.
Grant awarded from New Charter Housing
Today the Friends of Guide Bridge Station has been awarded a Grant to the sum of £300 from Great Neighborhoods part of New Charter Housing Trust Group Ashton Under Lyne. This was welcomed news and the is to be put forwarded for the Allotment Garden Project.
Today the Friends of Guide Bridge Station has been awarded a Grant to the sum of £300 from Great Neighborhoods part of New Charter Housing Trust Group Ashton Under Lyne. This was welcomed news and the is to be put forwarded for the Allotment Garden Project.
Grant Cheque from Network Rail
An application for a small grant from Network rail was submitted back in August to Network Rail, we are pleased to announce that we were successful with our application and received a cheque for £217, this money will be used to fund the foliage for the memorial Garden, a Huge thank you to Andy Griffin who is assisting us with our projects at Guide Bridge Station.
An application for a small grant from Network rail was submitted back in August to Network Rail, we are pleased to announce that we were successful with our application and received a cheque for £217, this money will be used to fund the foliage for the memorial Garden, a Huge thank you to Andy Griffin who is assisting us with our projects at Guide Bridge Station.